
Plum season. 5 recipes with plums in the leading role

Plum season. 5 recipes with plums in the leading role
Slow food
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Plums are a very versatile fruit – you can eat it raw, make compote, jam, dinner sweet or salty. We share proven and delicious recipes with plums in the lead role.

The season for plums lasts a relatively long time – it starts at the end of July and lasts until October. The fruit is not expensive, and its use is very versatile. What’s more, plums are very healthy: they are great for the digestive system, regulating its work and preventing constipation; they contain B vitamins, vitamin C, A, E. Another advantage is low calorie – in 100 grams there are less than 50 kcal.

Cake with plums

  1. Prepare a round cake pan with a diameter of 23 cm – line the bottom with paper, grease the rim with fat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Preheat the oven to 180°C
  2. The next step is to prepare the plums. Cut just under a kilo of fruit into halves and core them
  3. Set the fruit aside and get down to preparing the ingredients for the cake. To make it you need: 200 g soft butter, 250 g wheat flour sifted through a sieve, 200 g powdered sugar, 1 level teaspoon of baking powder, 4 eggs size M
  4. Cream the butter with the sugar until light and fluffy, then (without stopping mixing) add one egg at a time
  5. Finally add flour mixed with baking powder. It is best to add flour in 3-4 batches
  6. Pour the thoroughly mixed cake batter into a tin and arrange the plums on top. Bake the cake with plums for about 60 minutes.

Plum jam

  1. Prepare 2 kg of strongly mature plums, 200 g sugar, optional favorite spices
  2. Wash the fruit, core and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 20 minutes to let them juice
  3. Put it all into a pot and fry until the plums fall apart and the jam has the right consistency. At the end of frying add spices.

Oatmeal with plums

Oatmeal with prunes is an idea for a quick and nutritious breakfast, giving you energy for the whole day

  1. put 4 tablespoons of instant oatmeal in a pot and pour half a cup of liquid of your choice – water, milk or vegetable milk
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for a while, then remove from heat
  3. To the cooled mixture add 2 teaspoons of chia or flaxseed and honey or xylitol to taste
  4. Plums can be added raw – diced – or as homemade jam.

Dumplings with plums

Dumplings are a delicious, seasonal sweet dinner. Despite appearances its preparation is not difficult and time consuming

  1. To prepare dumplings you will need: 1 kg potatoes, 1 egg, 100 g flour, a pinch of salt, 250 g prunes, optional cinnamon
  2. Peel the potatoes, boil and press. Set aside to cool down
  3. Add flour, salt and egg to potatoes and knead to a smooth paste. Add flour if necessary
  4. Wash the plums, cut them in halves and get rid of the stones
  5. Sprinkle halves with cinnamon
  6. From the dough form balls slightly larger than a walnut, then flatten. Put a plum half in the middle and close the fruit in the dough.
  7. Cook the dumplings for about 5 minutes in plenty of salted water. Serve with melted butter, sugar and roasted breadcrumbs.

Pork loin with plum

  1. Wash a one-kilo boneless pork loin, remove the membranes and pat dry
  2. Using a sharp long knife, make a tunnel in the meat
  3. Put halved or cradled, washed and pitted prunes inside
  4. Rub the top of the meat with marjoram, garlic, salt and pepper
  5. Fry the pork loin in a hot pan on both sides to close its structure
  6. Transfer the roast to a roasting tin and bake for approximately 1.5 hours at 180°C, covered.

Read also how to prepare a fruit tart

Main photo: congerdesign/

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