
Why not blindly follow trends?

Why not blindly follow trends?
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Each season a host of new clothes and accessories tempt us from store windows and the world’s fashion catwalks. Is it worth giving in to the temptation to change your closet every season and buy what fits the latest trends?

It is no wonder that when we are interested in fashion, we passionately follow all the novelties and want to have them immediately in our closet. However, it is worth considering whether such purchase decisions are not made too hastily. Blindly following trends does not always bring a positive effect. Why?

You will lose your own style

As Coco Chanel used to say, “fashion passes, style remains”. By replacing your closet every season with what is currently in fashion, you lose your own style. Think about what you wear most often, what you feel best in, when you get the most compliments. Gather in your closet clothes that you will really enjoy wearing, not those that are in today’s trends and will be forgotten tomorrow. In this way you will create your own style, which people around you will associate only with you. And you, in clothes you feel good in, will always look like a fashion icon.

You will clutter up your closet

Every new season surprises us with newer and newer cuts of clothes. Some of them are so original that it is hard to incorporate them into everyday outfits. Especially if we are bound by a strict dress code at work. These types of ‘strange’ clothes have a tendency to disappear faster than they reappear in fashion – wide shoulders, ankle-length jeans, wide cuffs; these are just some of the trends that have been with us for a while. Try to invest in fashion classics, i.e. clothes that never go out of style, such as a white shirt, a little black dress or a beige trench. In this case, fewer clothes mean more practical and timeless outfits!

You are throwing your money down the drain

Buying new clothes every season is an unnecessary expense. Changing your whole closet just to be in line with the current trends is an expense of even several thousand zlotys. This amount is better to invest in high quality clothes, made of good materials and timeless, which will serve us for many years and will add you class.

To be on trend, go for trendy accessories and accents!

A great way to keep up with the trends, while maintaining your style and not changing your entire closet, is to buy accessories that are particularly trendy this season. A stylish handbag, jewelry, or scarf will spice up your favorite outfit while making you fit in with the trends. You can make a promise to yourself that every season you will buy one stylish accessory that you like the most and that you know will not end up at the bottom of your closet anytime soon. But before you do that, it’s a good idea to take a good hard look at your closet and see if there’s anything that’s hot right now. It is a well-known fact that fashion comes back and we may have something in our collection that is back in style

Do not take fashion seriously

Remember that fashion and its trends are actually fun and allow us to express ourselves. Trends are numerous and they pass in the blink of an eye, so it is not worth submitting your whole life to them. The most important thing is to feel good and accept yourself as you are. A smile, cheerfulness and self-confidence are trends that never go away.

Get inspired

If you are afraid that lack of stylish clothes will bring boredom to your closet, try to follow fashion bloggers’ outfits. Get inspired by their style and you will see how many similar things you already have in your closet and you do not need to buy more.

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