
Slow life - Page 5

How do you buy gifts that won’t go to waste?
How do you buy gifts that won’t go to waste?

Looking for a practical gift that will delight a loved one? Learn how to buy gifts that won’t get dusty on the shelf!

The 5R rule, or how to start living a zero waste life
The 5R rule, or how to start living a zero waste life

Want to act on the 5 R’s? Check out how to actually implement zero waste now.

Living the lagom lifestyle – what is this Swedish philosophy all about?
Living the lagom lifestyle – what is this Swedish philosophy all about?

Pleasure or duty, sport or blissful laziness, raw materials or decorative fabrics? Discover the secrets of the Swedish philosophy of lagom!

How to organize an eco party?
How to organize an eco party?

Planning a barbecue, birthday party or just a summer gathering with friends? See how to organize an eco-friendly garden party.

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